Committee member
Tammy GreeningI’m Tammy Greening and I am a Wellness Consultant within the Health Promotion Division of Eastern Health. A large part of my work involves overseeing the function and activities of the Eastern Regional Wellness Coalition (ERWC) as Co-Chair.
I grew up in the small (and I mean small with a permanent population of 32!) community of Hatchet Cove, 20 mins outside of where I currently reside- Clarenville. Growing up in the Cove, we had to travel to and from Clarenville for many services and for school. In 1993, I graduated with a Bachelor of Social Work from Memorial University and over the next several years I worked in the western and central parts of the Province and eventually made my way back to the east coast in 1995. Returning to Clarenville was so exciting because it was coming back home for me! I have been married to Neil for 22 years and we have two girls, Sarah, aged 18 and Katie aged 15 and a 9 year old dog named Izzy.
Throughout my 25 years as a Social Worker, I have practiced in the areas of Child Protection. Foster Care, and Addictions. I have been in my current position within Health Promotion for 10 years. As a Social Worker, I have had the opportunity to work in a variety of areas and because of that I have learned so many things not only from the job itself but from people I have met and the communities I have visited along the way. This job has allowed me to do what I truly enjoy – working with groups and organizations as they try to make their communities healthier. My work with the Coalition has been so rewarding and on any given day I can be talking, emailing, or meeting with individuals from any of the 200 plus groups who are part of the Coalition network. In my community development role, I also get to connect and work with other Consultants within our Health Promotion, other staff in Eastern Health and other community based organizations and agencies.
The best way to get to know a community and the people in it, I believe, is to volunteer! Volunteering has always been a part of my life from a very young age since my 4-H days. My Dad turned 72 this year and he still volunteers with the church and the seniors club! In the past, I have been on the board of Directors for my professional association, Ability Employment Corporation board member, Girl Guide leader, Sunday school teacher, library board member, Cancer Society’s Relay for Life organizer, and co-chair of the local Children’s Wish subchapter.
Many of the groups who are ERWC members are volunteers! They are the backbones and leaders in their communities! The Coalition provides networking opportunities to hear the many community success stories. By sharing such stories, it gives other groups ideas and inspiration to promote wellness in their community. The Coalition has become an invaluable avenue to also learn about resources, events and funding opportunities.
If I were to give advice to community groups, I would use a Margaret Mead quote –
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
It speaks to me because it has always reminded me that things are possible, no matter what the size of our community is or where it is, if we are willing to share and work together. I feel so fortunate because my job allows me to work with some amazing community groups throughout the region who are doing just that and working towards making their communities healthier places to live, work and play.

P: 709-466-6316
35 Tilleys Rd, Clarenville, NL A5A 1Z4