Committee member
Jim MillerMy name is Jim Miller. I am currently employed as the Project Coordinator/Archivist with the Trinity Historical Society Inc. (THS) and I am a Community Representative on the Coalition Steering Committee. I am 37 years old and live in the historic town of Trinity. I enjoy hiking and relaxing with the newspaper (hard copy and not on-line version), and I volunteer on a number of committees in Trinity and within the Bonavista Peninsula region. My role as Project Coordinator/Archivist with Trinity Historical Society keeps me quite busy with being responsible for the day-to-day operations of the historic sites that are owned by the Society as well as its staffing and programs. I spend a great deal of my time in writing and administering projects for the Society as well as for the many volunteer committees that I am on. My day tends to start rather early and go rather late.
Our organization was amongst the first Historical Society in the province, and we have assisted many others get established over the years. For more information on our historic sites and work, I encourage you to visit our website – I am an avid volunteer in my community and the surrounding area. I am currently serving my third, four-year term as Mayor for the Town ofTrinity. I am Chairperson of Cape Random Trust which owns and operates the Random Passage Site in New Bonaventure, as well as Chairperson of the Discovery Regional Waste Management Board, which is responsible for waste management in the Port Blandford, Lethbridge to Bonavista area. I also serve as a Director of Hike Discovery, a regional trail committee on the lower half of the Bonavista Peninsula; several positions associated with the Anglican Parish of Trinity and St. Paul’s Anglican Church congregation in Trinity, and I co-own Sherwood Suites and Motel in Port Rexton.
While our organization is a long term member of ERWC, I am a new member to the Coalition Steering Committee joining in 2015. As a not-for-profit organization, the THS”s funding is limited despite that we are a larger not-for-profit. The Coalition offers us membership free of charge and provides us the opportunity to network, access training and grant programs for some of our education programs for youth and seniors that are part of our target audience. We have been fortunate enough to obtain funding a few times now to do various programs such as a cooking skills program and a community garden. Most of our programming focuses on the social interaction and sharing of knowledge and skills between seniors and youth.
I would definitely encourage all community groups to become ERWC members and avail of the opportunities that are offered for grant funding and networking. The newsletters and email updates on the latest information sessions or funding opportunities is a great benefit for many community groups.
ERWC mandate is to promote wellness and improve the health and well being of individuals in communities throughout Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador. So no matter what your organizations mandate maybe be, if you serve the public in any way you can become a part of ERWC and I would encourage it.
P: 709-466-6316
35 Tilleys Rd, Clarenville, NL A5A 1Z4