

Grant & Funding Information.




Community Grants | Awarded Grants | Discretionary Funding





The deadline dates for the Community Wellness Grant Program are February 1st and October 1st annually. The criteria and forms are posted under Coalition Funding. Application is now a fillable form.  Please note: If you are using the fillable form, you must fax, mail or scan and email, the completed signature page. Applications will not be accepted without required signatures.

To download our Grant Information & Application please click HERE.


What is the purpose of the Community Grants Program?

The purpose of the grant program is to support community involvement and action to promote wellness. This program provides opportunity to foster and strengthen community partnerships.

What amount of funding is available?

Successful applicants will receive up to a maximum of $1000.00.

Who can I talk to if I have questions about the application or about my group’s project or initiative?

You can contact the Coalition’s Co-Chair:

Tammy Greening at 466-6316 or email:


P: 709-466-6316


35 Tilleys Rd, Clarenville, NL A5A 1Z4